Friday, May 17, 2024

Give me some Raw Story


Give me some Raw Story,

unless I die.

I've had a gutful of

Right wing ordure.

Where are the journalists?

Where are the upholders of the Truth?

Following the Depraved one

ORANGES anybody?

Democracy is at risk

from craven self interest.

The 5 right winged judges

won't judge righteously,

Congress can't or won't function,

Performative action is all MTG.

O God 

Bless America,

Open the blind eyes

Throw out the unrighteous

Judges, billionaires

and the craven 

media mavens,

Just like you cleaned the temple

of old.


I can not believe what is happening to the US. Looking from afar it looks like a total mess. Christians siding with an adulterous, lying, convicted ex President, women being oppressed and losing control of their own bodies and health. The regression is truly frightening as democracy is attacked by oligarchs and a fascist, dictatorial presidential candidate, who is losing his mind before us. The absolute disrespect for the law, the FBI, the DOJ, NATO, higher education and the twisting of the Constitution by the Federalists for base means is unbelievable. We are losing the freedoms we fought so hard for. The only publication that seems to be adhering to sound journalistic principles is Raw Story. A David against the Goliath of FOX, OAN, Truth Social, X etc.

Friday, April 15, 2022

The Discipline of Poetry

I like the discipline of crafting poems.

Unlike prose where you can take time to develop a theme, poetry demands a degree of precision, concentration and restraint.

It reminds me of computer code in the 1970s, and I’m showing my age here, where there was only a small amount of memory to work with. Like 64K!

Code demanded precision and was crafted carefully.

The process of working on a poem is laborious but enjoyable.

It can be challenging to write a poem within a structure such as sonata or sestina form.

But the best thing is to try and learn as you go.



Why God?

Why God?

Why? God.

What God?

What? God

What? God?

What? God!

Be or be not.

God or not god.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

4 Years of Quietude

The Muse went away without me. leaving me without a word, a line or even half a poem. But she came back today and I am glad.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Poetry Workshop

Poetry workshop 
Or workhouse

They say that
The first draft
Is not enough

It needs polish
And spit

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Trumped by Donald - with Additional stanzas

You have to hand it to Donald,
With his space age hair,
and old world homilies.

He gets it man,
You have to talk to the hicks,
at 4th grade level.

You have to drive them to Truth
Socially - dripfeed the lies,
erode their confidence
in the system man.

Support their prejudices,
Beat up on Islam,
Blacks and minorities
And don't forget the Dem
Both cratic and onstrative!

O Mighty Republican Donald,
May you not prevail,
in Heaven,
or on earth.

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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

No Atrocities for Non Persons

You are a non person
We don't care about you
Only Westerners are human
You don't matter
We don't care...

Our atrocities
Are only atrocities if done
to persons.
You are a non person
So we can bomb you and maim you
You are "collateral" damage.

How dare you raise up
Against us
You terrorists.
Just because we take your land
and kill you non persons
Is no reason to attack us.
We are America
Uncle Sam
Benevolent Dictators of
the World
Bombs R Us
And we don't care
About non persons.

This poem comes out of my anger about the way the West (esp the US) treats people who are non Western. They are viewed as non persons, non human, and don't need our consideration. But one day everyone will have to face that humans are all persons, there is no out group of non persons. Western terrorism exists even if the West can not see this.

The term terrorist is a weighted one and depends on your point of view.

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