Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Flarfing Flarf Poem

Flarf poetry started by a group of poets trying to write the worst poem possible to see if it would be accepted by poetry.com, a vanity publisher. Their increasingly wild attempts were all accepted and more people joined the fun.

Flaring can be done by using a Google search with some unrelated terms and then using the results to write a poem from what comes up.

In this flarf poem I have used the terms John Ashbery, elk and blue whale and the resultant poem is as follows:

Full of dark blue jays
Includes Crone rhapsody
Consommé root
John Fante
Ask the dusk?

The Squid and the Whale
Green industrial waste bins
Frank O'Hara, John Ashbery
Kenneth Koch
Blue whale multitudes
To coral gulfs.

Help The MBSPoet fund his poetry

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