Monday, September 15, 2008

Poetry and Politics

I have just read a very interesting article in the Aug 28 edition of the Hindu Times which is relevant to the topic of this blog. The article is by GAURAV KAPOOR and talks about the poetry of Kapil Sibal, who is the Science and Technology Minister for India.

Poetry in politics

Some quotes from the article follow:

Politics and poetry are poles apart. However, recently the story was different at ITC Maurya, New Delhi where Kapil Sibal, Science and Technology Minister India, launched his first book “I Witness: Partial Observations”. This Roli publication is a collection of his poetry on subjects like politics, lawyers, corruption, journalism, nature, moments of love etc, with a gentle sense of humour.

His poetry

addresses issues like global warming, the trust vote and happenings in Parliament. He also recited a few of his rhymes. “I wrote what I wanted to and never restricted myself. In politics I stick to the party line but as a poet there is no boundary.” Being a science and technology minister he made an appropriate use of technology, as he said, “I have composed poems on my cell phone in free time.”

That is my kind of politician. I am taking the generous view that politics is a business. I like the thought that poetry has no boundaries. It is heartening to see such a person extolling the uses and virtues of the poetic calling. Poetry is not (or not just) for the ivory towers of academia, it is prevalent wherever there is life...



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi I just wanted to introduce myself. I am a published Author of two poetry books hope you would take a look at my work through writing from past experiences and abuse. My blog is Your blog is very informative and awesome.